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512 368-3652


Thank you for choosing to sponsor:


5 Years of Age

Living in: Mityana

Child No: MN-035

Gender: Male

Juma is currently attending baby class. His joys include dancing to music and assisting his mother in washing dishes and sweeping the compound. In a family of five, Juma lives with his parents and two siblings. His mother sustains the family by selling snacks such as cassava and pancakes, while his father engages in occasional employment as a casual laborer. Your generous support for Juma has the potential to rewrite his story and ensure his continued education. Join us in making a positive impact on Juma’s journey, providing him with the means to stay in school and pursue a brighter future.

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Elementary Sponsorship 45.00 USD

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Empower a Child or Student's Future Through Sponsorship

Your tax-deductible monthly contribution of $45 supports a child in elementary education, while $62 aids a high school student through a church-affiliated Child Transformation Program. A monthly donation of at least $150 assists a vocational student with tuition, Christian discipleship, leadership training, and basic medical care. For a comprehensive impact, a monthly donation of at least $300 supports a university student, covering tuition, meals, housing, mentoring, and medical care. Additionally, your support has a significant impact on elementary and high school students through – Intervention programs encompass:

  • Life-saving medical treatment
  • Nutritious food provision
  • Health and hygiene training
  • Educational assistance
  • Christian discipleship initiatives fostering children’s intrinsic value as God’s children



Juma is currently attending baby class. His joys include dancing to music and assisting his mother in washing dishes and sweeping the compound. In a family of five, Juma lives with his parents and two siblings. His mother sustains the family by selling snacks such as cassava and pancakes, while his father engages in occasional employment as a casual laborer.

Your generous support for Juma has the potential to rewrite his story and ensure his continued education. Join us in making a positive impact on Juma’s journey, providing him with the means to stay in school and pursue a brighter future.